Thursday 8 October 2020

How narcissism & Machiavellianism can play out in group dynamics

In the group of volunteers there were a number of individuals who came motives other than to volunteer for the most noble mission of Kosmic Fusion to share the benevolent Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave Photon Pulse with many people. 

It has taken me quite a long time to get my head around the type of (mind) games these individuals were playing and the nuances in the personality issues they brought into the group. One of the things that gave some clarity was the difference between Machiavellianism and narcissism. When i read this article that explains the difference between Machiavellianism and narcissism and reflected on what i have seen and experienced with these people, it made a lot of sense.

Have put this together in a very short analysis to share my experience with such characters and how they can negatively impact the group dynamics when you are not aware, too trusting and not firmly rooted in your True Soul/Self.

My personal lesson learned was that you have to be a very centered person if you want to hold your space and remain unaffected by the toxicity such individuals are spreading. Admittedly, i tended to be quite a weakling with poor boundaries and people pleasing tendencies and thereby unwittingly ended up enabling these toxic individuals, but by the Grace of my Guru was able to work on my weaknesses to become more robust to be able to stand tall for what is right.

When the two highly toxic individuals were asked to leave after years of unethical behaviour, true to the nature of a narcissist/Machiavellian they joined hands and ran a smear campaign to attack Kosmic Fusion and its founders Sree Maa Shri Ji.

Dallia/Iphigenie Amoutsias/Malana B. Taresi 

In my observations Dallia/Iphigenie Amoutsias or Malana B. Taresi as she now calls herself, has some narcissistic traits but is predominantly a Machiavellian.

The narcissistic trait she has is jealousy and envy. The article states that narcissists “take jealousy and envy to a whole new level. Expect to face their wrath should they ever think you are putting someone else ahead of them”.
Dallia/Malana had pathological envy and jealousy and definitely she took jealousy and envy to a whole new level, to such a level that all she wanted to do was destroy Kosmic Fusion, because she was extremely envious and jealous of Sree Maa Shri Ji. This is what she has admitted to herself. And we have seen Dallia/Malana’s wrath in the smear campaign and in the psychic attacks she has done on other FiTs.

The article states for Machiavellianism: “They desire wealth and power over all else, and it is their detachment from conventional morality that allows them to chase their lofty goals without remorse and free from conscience.
They employ different faces in different situations as a tool for getting what they want. They will use lies and deceit where necessary, while also being capable of charm and friendliness.”
Their manipulations are subtle – they seek to accomplish their aims without drawing too much attention to their less desirable qualities.

Think this describes Dallia/Malana to the tee, she wanted power, she wanted to be the leader and wanted to set up a cult in Germany. Her manipulations were very subtle, she herself admitted that she is very subtle. Think she also deployed her charm and friendliness, for example how she pretended to be a friend to another volunteer, Renu. Only to a discerning eye, her charm and friendliness would fall flat, as there was always something ‘funny’ with the way she laughed and behaved. She clearly showed no remorse or conscience with what she did to to Sree Maa Shri Ji and Kosmic Fusion, and to other FiT, driving them away. 
For them, winning is the ultimate aim”. Despite the momentous opportunity to come out of her darkness and the moments of reflections by the Grace of Paratpar Guru, Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave Photon Pulse during the Reunion, Dallia/Malana ran a nasty smear campaign and who knows what else she is still doing because she wants to win. 

But, while a narcissist would be too jealous to wish success for other people, there might be occasions where a Machiavellian personality would accept someone else succeeding if it meant they could move up the ladder too. They would be prepared to do a deal with an equally success-oriented individual if it meant they, too, gained greater wealth and power.

Maybe that is why Dallia/Malana got in touch with Irene/Joy Kuo at Gold Coast in the early days and secretly kept in touch with her and in that sense worked with Irene and ‘allowed’ her success in Sydney, while she was pursuing her malicious goals in New Zealand. This is also how they joined hands in the smear campaign.

Irene/Joy Kuo

Think Irene/Joy Kuo also exhibits traits of a narcissist but also a lot of Machiavellianism. Maybe she is a blend of both, all packed into one midget.

From the characteristic of a narcissist, she had a sense of entitlement and believed herself to be more deserving than other people, given her behaviour in India where she constantly wanted to be in the front of the temples and also expected to go into the car with Sree Maa Shri Ji all the time. She also had severe jealousy and envy for Jwala and Simran, am sure she would have tried to get Niranjana out if she had the chance. 

Narcissists “will happily belittle or degrade other people to make themselves feel good – they feel no remorse for heaping unhappiness on others.”. 
As it turned out, Irene was the queen of belittling and degrading others and don’t think she had any remorse about it at all. She was also selfish and definitely did not like to see others succeed. In addition, don’t think she faced criticism very well, either shifting blame or having some excuse. 

From Machiavellianism she put her self gain before almost anything else, she was controlling and used others to her advantage, Parsons in particular was used and abused big time but also the rest of the team in Sydney with all the contributions they made, but stealing the credit for herself. In the Ashram, she used Jeeya and Rita and it was clear that others were just a means to an end for her and she would walk over them.

She desired fortune and fame, and showed no conscience or conventional morality, though she hid this quite well. She would employ different faces in different situations, docile and servile in front of Sree Maa Shri Ji but the FiTs in Sydney got to see another face, and she showed yet another face towards the outstation FiTs. Not sure if Irene can be said to have charm and friendliness but she sure pretended to be nice and considerate, faking it all the way.

Machiavellians “are generally very calculating and careful when it comes to their actions. Everything needs to be planned and executed with precision so as to maximize their chances of success.

This describes Irene very well, with her crazy spreadsheets, her copying of all the messages and Kosmic Fusion IP before she came to the Abode in November 2017 and her careful planning and running abundance circles and giving interviews behind Sree Maa Shri Ji’s back. Just the incident how she shoved the responsibility of the credit card into Parson’s shoes, shows how calculative she is, only dropping the bomb that her husband doesn’t like her name on the card when they are right in front of the bank clerk. 

I am sure her 100,000 dollars’ worth of ‘volunteering’ as she claimed in the slanderous paid article, consisted mostly in plotting her nefarious plans and manipulating Parsons. Irene/Joy’s manipulations were subtle too, as she hid them behind a cloak of doing it all for Kosmic Fusion and Sree Maa Shri Ji.

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