Wednesday, 18 August 2021

A way out

Imagine taking a look 700 years from now into the future, it’s 2721. Drones are flying all over the city, there is very little green. Workers are being accompanied by robots to factory type places before sunrise and brought back after sunset into their sleeping pods. They never see the light of day. They have already lost that spark within them. The pods are where they are kept artificially happy; people are induced into a fantasy world where they can be and experience anything they like.

If you are lucky, you are ‘free’ to roam around on the streets and decide for yourself what you want to do. But how free are you really when you are moving only to the beat of your worldly desires encouraged by the constant barrage of subliminal, artificial suggestions and manipulations coming at you 24/7? These people are always followed by bots monitoring them, under the guise of servant bots. The look in their eyes is empty; that depth, that soulfulness is gone. Life has become all about gratifying the senses, it is all about ‘what’s next for me’. No need to toil or put any effort in, just pop a pill, upload a programme into your brain and you are the expert at this or that. You can be that special one, the hero in the story. People are not even looking at the sun anymore, there is too much artificial stimulation all around. No one looks up let alone within.

This may seem farfetched but am extrapolating from what i am observing around me right now. What we are seeing now is not so much different. People moving through their work, eat, sleep, entertain me cycle. Get up, work, come home, either first engage in some exercise to stay fit or straight away flick on the tv or Netflix, open up a can of beer or some other alcoholic beverage, eat food, including food for which other species have had to suffer and give their life, sleep and then the cycle starts all over again. Occasionally this cycle is interrupted by a sea, sand, sun holiday. We are so busy striving for a partner, children, bigger house, bigger car, career, looking young, having fun, feeling good, that we lose sight of what truly matters. We are so caught up in ‘my story’ that we have forgotten to look for the Truth within.

Where is the room and time for inner contemplation, where is the time to think about the Cause of all causes? We have become so distracted that we can’t find the time to ponder on the age-old questions such as who am i? Or innocent questions like wow which artist is this that has drawn the beauty and power of nature, whose mysterious force underpins and upholds this massive universe and makes the planets revolve in perfect sync? We have lost that innocence, that wonder and that connection – thinking we know so much as humans, when in truth we don’t have a clue and are drifting away from our very essence.

Already the world is so confused, and more confusion is added every day. A child of the 70s, i have been very lucky to have had a childhood outside. Used to roam around in parks and hang out in nature. We did not have any fancy toys, just playing with a skipping rope and a hula hoop and we were happy. We had tv but there were no push notifications trying to get our attention. Things used to be simpler. Today’s youth are always wired online and being swamped with so many projections that they don’t know what is up and what is down. Children are overwhelmed with messages to be woke and with countless options of gender and sexual orientation from a very early age. They are aware of things now by the age of 7 that we didn’t even know when we were 14. They are rapidly losing that innocence which is so vital for our jivatma (incarnational soul) to remain pure.  

Social media is on 24/7 and we are bombarded with online projections through role models like Kim Kardashian, the gameplaying YouTube celebs or the next crypto millionaire. Everyone is claiming to be someone on socials, but the truth is rarely shared. The other day Instagram came up in a conversation with a colleague and she explained how so many of her friends post pictures that are a fake portrayal of their life and who they are. She said, it is so funny that they will post that one thing that maybe happened for 1 second throughout their entire day but make it seem like it is their life. We live in fictional realities where fakeness and façade are the norm. Connection with others now is through playing online games, we gather likes and shares for approval, we express through emojis and have apps where you can pick a (sex) partner based on online profiles, swipe left for reject, swipe right for like. With the Covid-19 pandemic and related lockdowns this has been taken to another level, where isolation is enforced, and connection is moved further into the virtual world. On top of that fear of survival has increased which makes our mind more susceptible to programming.

With so much programming already done of the collective unconscious and subconscious mind, it is next to impossible to discern what is genuine and what is projection, what is real and what is fake. And worse, to discern what is right and what is wrong. One good look at the world, and you can tell the madness and chaos is only increasing. Instead of focusing on the Divine within and the invisible thread that connects us all, on the level of Atma, there is more split happening within families, within nations, between nations, between continents. There is this group and that group. There is victim and victimizer. There is rich and poor. Now we also have the vaccinated vs the unvaccinated. Wonder whose agenda it is to cause further division? On all levels, there is struggle for dominance, power play and manipulation and the ones best at this seem to be rewarded. Where is there a place for righteous conduct?

Where is living in the rhythm of nature, in tune with the Cosmos and understanding our part in the bigger scheme of things? Where is the humility that our very breath and life force is not our own and we are insignificant? Where is the understanding that we are never in control and that who we truly are is not this body, not this mind and not the sea of emotions that we experience? We can send humans into space but have no understanding of Truth. We are technologically advanced and no doubt with the advent of AI this will be taken to an unimaginable level, but we are spiritually lost. We have computers now writing articles and books and dictating the objects of our attention.

Who is looking for the Absolute Truth? From what i can see very few. Hardly anyone is talking about the jivatma anymore, let alone the Absolute. And if they are talking about a higher power, it is about a God that punishes and can condemn people to eternal hell, coming from Abrahamic religions that seem to have more to do with control than with pathways for the jivatma to become liberated. Their heaven and hell sound a lot like man-made astral planes where you can get stuck and get sucked by inorganic lifeforms who have already lost their essence and hunt for food to survive.

The proven pathways of Sanatana Dharma that show the way to Self-Realisation and ultimate liberation are under pressure. Those time-tested practices that are part of Hinduism that keep you attuned to your True Soul and the Absolute are being ridiculed. This is a carefully designed attack. There are those who do not want you to wake up to the Truth or spend time looking within. The sacred Guru – shishya parampara that has been there for thousands of years is systematically being eroded. Media are constantly putting Gurus under the train, picturing them as loonies or cult leaders. Those trying to protect Sanatana Dharma are called extremist and under relentless attack in the media in the West and in India itself. This is not a coincidence. Even today’s Hindus in India are being kept away from Sanatana Dharma with all the liberal, leftist and communist narratives and agendas in the sold-out media. Sadly, forced conversions to Abrahamic religions and love jihad are an everyday occurrence.

It is not so hard to imagine that what we see amongst nations on earth is also happening on a grander scale. Earth itself is the centre of a battle between beings from other dimensions. Beings that have already used up and destroyed their own dimensions, but their need for survival is so strong. They have found an inorganic way to live and can only live as a parasite looking for those that they can draw energy from, and humans are a perfect supply. It is these intruders that have come a couple of thousand years ago and set up a matrix with their advanced technology; a matrix that pumps in programmes and is so enmeshed with our natural reality that we cannot distinguish what is real and what is artificial. A technology that can manipulate the 5 sheaths that surround our spark and constitute our physical, subtle and causal bodies. To use a modern analogy, they have found a way to hack into our mind, emotions and energy system and they are projecting on us from there.

There are those on the planet colluding with these intruders and furthering the division and control. They have sold their soul in their pursuit of power and exaltation of the ‘i’. With every industrial revolution more technology has been introduced not so much for the betterment of humanity and society, but to further the dependency on external factors and strengthen the control on the human psyche. Nowadays they can make computer chips the size of dust - imagine what they could do with that to human consciousness. If you look at the Hollywood movies that have come out showing a dystopian world, space battles, AI rule and mind control, this may be closer to the truth than you think. Don’t be surprised if the intruders disclose beforehand what they are doing this way.

It is only those who are beyond space and time, those who are already fully Self Realized and merged with the Absolute who can show you the way out. They are sent for the benefit of those jivatmas, those mumukshus who still long for the Absolute, who somehow haven’t made it out yet but whose Atma is yearning to merge with the Paramatma. They bring the Absolute Truth to wake up seekers from the deep slumber they are in. We may have forgotten Bhagwan, but the Absolute has not forgotten us. One of those on such a Divine rescue mission is Sreemaa-Shreeji, bringing the most Benevolent and Magnificent Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave Photon Pulse, the Supreme Signature of the Absolute.

When someone shares the Truth, it rattles you. It rattled me. Truth cannot be realized through technology, only in silence and only by the Grace of that One and Only One. You have to stop being a player and be willing to lose yourself, this ‘i’ that has been in survival mode for so long. The Truth is that when you are the doer, you get done. If you are brave and honest enough to reflect on this, you will see this in your life every single day. But when you realize who is the All-Doer and that you are not in control and you are willing to let go and surrender, there is hope. Those on a rescue mission serve selflessly and silently and will bring exactly what is needed as it is the Absolute that is working through them. They will touch your Atma and bring you that undeniable experience of your True Self, beyond the 3 bodies. They will take your hand and show you the way out in mysterious ways that you cannot even fathom.  

Back to 2721. Imagine if you are someone still with that divine spark within that is longing to merge with its illuminator but stuck in the matrix, loaded with programmes and constantly being projected upon. For some reason you haven’t made it yet and find yourself again in a human body on this planet surrounded by holographic inserts without a soul. How will you get Home? How will your Atma fuse with the Paramatma? How will you even realize your true essence? There are no more Gurus, no methods, no school of thoughts, no more Avatars sent that teach, correct and show the way out. Yet there is hope.

It is written in the ancient Shastras that Bhagwan will come for His Bhaktas, for those who are looking for Him. The Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave Photon Pulse is that Supreme Lifeline that shows genuine seekers the way to final liberation. IT is beyond time and space and cannot be touched by any technology or destroyed by anything. IT is Beyond Beyond, All-Powerful and AI is no match for it. IT is the Formless Form of that One and Only One that connects with that Zero-Point within you, your True Self. IT is that Mysterious and Mighty Mother of all Energies, Frequencies and Vibrations that will help jivatmas find their answers even inside the matrix and as the Ultimate GPS make sure the parcel is delivered back to where it belongs. IT is Supreme Grace in action that bestows a way out.

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