Tuesday 27 December 2022

Copy-paste tactics to attack Hinduism

Recently came across a very interesting article titled Hinduphobia and Hinduphilia in theUS. It covers a court case that took place in 1911. Someone by the name of Sarah Bull, wife of the famous Norwegian violinist Ole Bull, was very devoted to Swami Vivekanand who had come to visit America in those days. She happily served him and the Vedanta Society. At the end of her life, she left money to go to the Vedanta Society as she was very drawn to Swami Vivekanand’s teachings based on Sanatana Dharma. Her daughter did not respect her will and went to court to try and get the inheritance left for Vedanta Society for herself. The article describes how Hinduism was on trial too with this court case. In fact, that was the real reason for the trial.

When you look at the trial and particularly the reporting about it in media such as the NY Times and Boston Herald, it becomes obvious it was a deliberate attack on Hindus and Hinduism. The claim was that Hindus had driven Mrs. Bull insane. NY Times started racists tropes against Hindus and labeled Hinduism as ‘psychic conspiracy’ and said that Hindus ‘run damaging cults.’ In the media articles Sanatana Dharma, Swami Vivekanand and the other swamis were outrightly attacked and the Vedanta Society portrayed as some sort of cult.

The way the journalists described ancient practices and paths such as Bhakti Yoga and Pranayama in Yoga was completely twisted and false. There was no proof or evidence provided, nor any Vedic expert consulted. The news articles were all based on so-called folk journalism; no hard evidence needs to be provided in folk journalism. They can quote any Tom, Dick and Harry saying anything, and this is exactly what happened in the media at that time.

Trial by media

The parallels to the Stuff article about Kosmic Fusion that was published roughly 100 years later in 2018 are striking. The two Stuff journalists merely copied the folk journalism approach, quoting whoever they wanted without solid proof, evidence or background of the source. Their article was literally a copy past job; the same script, same tactics as the media in the US used in 1911. It was a trial by media with an attack on Sanatana Dharma and on Gurus.

The parallels can even be seen in the details of media reporting. Sarah Bull’s home shrine was ridiculed in the American media. In a degrading way the newspapers described her shrine as ‘having photos of fat Swamis’. A racist dig rooted in Hindumisia. In a similar vein, the Stuff duo Steve Kilgallon and Tony Wall had the audacity to cut out the Murtis of Bhagwan Swaminarayan from the photos they took of Sree Maa Shri Ji’s home temple and use it in the most disrespectful way in the opening of the article where they put the words ‘bad vibrations’ underneath it. What kind of person would even think of doing this?

In his article about Hinduphobia and Hinduphilia in the US, the author also asks the following solid question: The Vedanta Society in 1916 only claimed 190 members, so it is worth pondering why Americans worries so much about “the tide of turbans”. Again, here is a parallel with Kosmic Fusion as there were only 12 Facilitators in Training and at the maximum 3 volunteers living in the Ashram. Why would anyone bother to wrote about a small group of 12 people?

Same way Mrs. Bull was slandered in the press, the founders of Kosmic Fusion, Sree Maa Shri Ji were slandered. Same way the Advait Vedanta Philosophy and the Vedanta Society were attacked, Kosmic Fusion was attacked. Same baseless accusation of a psychic conspiracy, as if people were brainwashed and it were a cult.

It is important to emphasize here that Sree Maa taught from the much respected and well-established Teachings from Swaminarayan Bhagwan, Shri Krishna, Upanishads, the Vedas. How can this ever be a cult? Nobody can say that Sree Maa Shri Ji was imposing her philosophy, because Sree Maa was not even teaching her own philosophy. The fact that the foundation of the FiT Programme was based on Sanatana Dharma was made clear straight from the trial intake in October 2013. Sree Maa Shri Ji have always been most transparent and open.

The agenda of the nexus

Sarah Bull’s case was happening against a backdrop of Hindu hate that had already been sown – Sanatana Dharma was seen as a religious threat to Protestant America. The Shakti that Swami Vivekananda and other swamis brought to US shores was touching and awakening many jivatmas (incarnational sparks). This is something the Protestant Christians would not have liked, as this meant they were losing followers. Same way, the Ultimate Shakti, Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave Photon Pulse, that Paratpar Guru Shriji bring onto this earth would be ruffling the feathers of the Christian church who is focused on converting and soul harvesting as much as possible. This conversion business was happening throughout the colonial period and is still ongoing today. 

The reason they had to run a smear campaign against Sree Maa Shri Ji is because they wanted to attack Sanatana Dharma. Just like how a lot of smear campaigns were run against Swami Vivekanand, but also Yoganand and other well-known Yogis and Gurus. In both cases it was the nexus up to the same tricks with the same agenda: to demonize Hindus and Hinduism. It was the nexus of church, media and Sarah Bull’s daughter back in 1911 and in 2018 it was church, media and two disgruntled narcissistic ex-volunteers used by Christian anti-cult watch groups. 

Even Hinduism was coined to attack Hindus and to vilify their thousands of years old Dharma, known as Santana Dharma. It may appear as Hinduphobia (fear of someone else’s practices), but what this trio are aiming for is to diminish, disparage, vilify and attack Sanatana Dharma because of the deep hate arising out of the Christian doctrines of hate for idolatry and therefore it should aptly be understood as Hindumisia.

The left leaning intellectuals also have concocted this hatred without realising that they are only furthering the extreme right-wing idealism of demonising Hindus as heathens, and to do that a trope was fabricated by the colonialists called ‘caste’.

Misusing apostates for their own purposes

Using disgruntled ex-volunteers or ex-members for their own purposes is also a copy past tactic. In any group or organisation there can be members who leave on a bad note for personal or other reasons – by no means are such people representative of all the people that are part of a certain group, organisation or movement. It is these people that the so-called anti-cult organisations purposefully seek out to use and make a cult claim against any religious or spiritual group that is not in line with the prevailing Christian doctrine. This was one of the key observations and flaws identified amongst the anti-cult rhetoric in official documents in Europe - described in an academic paper called Moral Panics and Anti-Cult Terrorismin Western Europe.

Once you understand these tactics used by the church in tandem with sold media, academia and anti-cult watch groups (who somehow always seem to be Christian based), you will see how they are applied time and again and you can use your own discernment to decide how much credence to give to those stories.

Sunday 18 December 2022

Look beneath the surface

When one does a Google search for key rules or principles of journalism, similar answers come up.

The American press institute starts with the following key rules:

·         Journalism's first obligation is to the truth.

·         Its first loyalty is to citizens.

·         Its essence is a discipline of verification.

·         Its practitioners must maintain an independence from those they cover.

·         It must serve as an independent monitor of power.

Other much quoted principles online are:

·         Truth and Accuracy. “Journalists cannot always guarantee 'truth' but getting the facts right is the cardinal principle of journalism.

·         Independence.

·         Fairness and Impartiality.

·         Humanity.

·         Accountability.

Noble and high principles that sadly some journalists seem to have thrown out the window.
There are plenty of examples we can find in current day media where bias comes through blatantly in an article. One such example is an article about Kosmic Fusion and its Founders by
Steve Kilgallon and Tony Wall in an online New Zealand newspaper called Stuff.

These two proudly call themselves national correspondents but have miserably failed to uphold basic principles of journalism. They shamelessly published an extremely biased article that demonized two selfless people doing good and sharing a most uplifting Frequency for the benefit of humanity.

Biased apparent right off the bat

For this article one doesn’t even need to look beneath the surface to see it is biased, Hinduphobic and Hindumisic. The very start of the article shows the attitude and bias of the two journalists. They took photos of the murtis from Sree Maa Shri Ji’s home temple and wrote ‘Bad vibrations’ underneath it. Who in their right (journalistic) mind would do such a thing?

Would they ever dare to do this with a statue of Jesus on the cross? Of course, they wouldn’t. Beheadings are done if someone drew prophet Mohammed, but these journalists will not report on that. However, they felt no qualms taking photos of Deities that are very dear and sacred to Sree Maa Shri Ji and abuse these photos. On top of that they ‘decorated’ the article page with incense smoke. These two so-called journalists were clearly taking a dig at Hinduism.

The reason for this becomes clearer when you look beneath the surface.

When you read through the article, one of the things that strikes immediately is the use of only Christian words and concepts. If Steve’s and Tony’s own leaning and understanding only extends to Christianity, they should have made sure to interview experts on areas where they are lacking.

 Quoting again from the principles as described by the American press institute:

“This “journalistic truth” is a process that begins with the professional discipline of assembling and verifying facts. Then journalists try to convey a fair and reliable account of their meaning, subject to further investigation.”

Seeking out multiple witnesses, disclosing as much as possible about sources, or asking various sides for comment, all signal such standards. This discipline of verification is what separates journalism from other forms of communication such as propaganda, advertising, fiction, or entertainment.”

All of the above, the journalists have failed to honour though they try to make it appear as if they have consulted multiple people.

What is clear in the article is that the journalists have not consulted any Vedic expert or someone who understands Shakti. Instead, they quote a professor who has never even experienced Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave-Photon Pulse to give his comment. What kind of a scientist is this that talks about something without researching it?

They also failed to consult a psychiatrist or psychologist to explain the basics about narcissistic personality disorder and only gave passing reference to narcissism.

Had these two journalists bothered to do their due diligence, they would have learnt that people who suffer from narcissism run a smear campaign when they are being called out for their toxic behaviour. This would have put the words of the two ex-volunteers who were asked to leave after 5 years of discordant and toxic behaviour in a much different perspective. Instead, the journalists gave them a carte blanche to play their victim card – something that narcissists also love to do.

What is more disturbing is the fact that the so-called experts that Tony and Steve do portray extensively in their article are heavily involved in the Christian church – though this is not disclosed in the article. A clear breach of the journalistic principle “disclosing as much as possible about sources”.

‘Experts’ linked to the Christian church

It does take a little digging to find out the truth about the sources mentioned in the article, but one doesn’t have to be a super sleuth.

One key expert that is extensively quoted is Mark Vrankovich, described as “the executive director of cult monitoring organisation Cultwatch”. One look at the about page of Cultwatch and its Christian roots and purpose are obvious.

Its website says: "Cultwatch is a para-church organisation made up of people from different Christian denominations." and "Cultwatch is a Christian based organisation dedicated to helping people from all walks of life." This is followed by a long list of what they believe in which is all about Christ and the Christian doctrine.

The official document of the “Charitable Trust” called “Cultwatch” shows it was registered in 1995 and the purpose of Cultwatch is and i quote “: "To endeavour to reinforce Christian doctrine and to teach Christian people and Christian leaders concerning the adverse effect of mind control" and "To defend historical and orthodox Christian doctrine".

Mark Vrankovich also has close ties with Ian Mander who manages the website cults.co.nz, which clearly states “The list will be of most use to Christians in New Zealand, as the list entries have been written from a Christian perspective with New Zealanders in mind.” This website lists anything that is not of a certain Christian doctrine as a cult, from astrology to meditation to yoga and particularly anything related to Sanatana Dharm (Hinduism) is classified as ‘danger’. Why this need to call anything that is not their particular Christian doctrine a cult?

Also extensively quoted in the article is Peter Lineham “professor of religious history at Massey University”. A small internet search reveals that this professor has particular interest in preaching Christianity on radio and other media, see for example this podcast interview with him.

With having such clear objectives of reinforcing Christian doctrine in their lives, how can the commentary of Mark Vrankovich and Peter Lineham be unbiased or even fair? And why did the journalists not reveal the strong Christian background and objectives of these two key sources?

No integrity

But then again, when the journalists couldn’t even get basic facts right in their article, it didn’t give much confidence for the rest of the content. For example, there were only ever a maximum of 3 volunteers living in the Ashram house, whereas they claim 12.

The one volunteer living in the Ashram house from start to finish, they also ‘failed’ to interview as they knew this person would relay facts that wouldn’t fit their agenda and narrative. Neither did they interview the one person who had worked closely with Joy Kuo (now calling herself Joy Vottus) for 5 years and had been the prime victim of her narcissistic abuse. His testimony would definitely not fit with their agenda, so they avoided contacting him.

Their seeking out witnesses is selective at best but would probably fall under the qualification of deceptive.

Rather than honest and verified reporting these two so-called journalists showed no integrity. They lent themselves for a smear campaign by two narcissists and worse they lent themselves for propaganda of the Christian church that  since the start of colonial times has been demonizing Hindus and Hinduism.

The next blog will explore the larger context in which this Hindumisic article was written.


Wednesday 12 January 2022

White people’s pseudo equity and the witch hunt against Hindus

 The other day my daughter came home from school upset. Her classmates, and even the teacher, were all saying negative things about India. The students were given an article to read about India and instead of talking about the beauty, the spiritual wisdom that Bharat (India) holds, it was something negative and putting down the festival of Diwali. Will save the details of the article for another blog, but this type of bias and slander is no exception. Every time a Western newspaper writes about India, it is filled with bias, ignorance, and often is some sort of attack on India and Hinduism.

The argument that was also brought up in class was that India has a caste system and that is very unequal. A much-heard argument. Have learnt when looking at something to always start from the top and understand the back-story. Was also brought up with this notion of India has a caste system, but once I came to understand Sanatana Dharma better and did some research into history, a completely different picture emerged.

The truth about caste system

Sanatana Dharma describes something called Varna Ashram Dharma, the gist of which is explained in below image by a Sanatani from India that I found very enlightening. The Varna system is diametrically opposed to caste. Caste is the Portuguese word for class and is not in any of the Hindu Shastras (Scriptures).

This is not something that many people know, but the caste concept was created by the British colonialists to control and destroy Indian culture. In this interview Pandit Satish Sharma and author of the book “Caste, Conversion, A Colonial Conspiracy”, explains how the missionaries decided that the fabric of Hindu society had to be broken apart if they wanted to convert people. That is when they decided to deploy this divide and rule strategy of the caste system.

The Varna system is fluid and flexible, and non-hierarchical. Pandit Satish Sharma also gives a simple and beautiful explanation of the Varna Ashram system from 11:35 min to 15:15 mins (or even 24 mins if you have the time). It is a system where everyone has a place and a role to play which creates homeostasis in the community which is different from societies in western countries that are often based on hierarchical structures and competitiveness.

It is an internationally spread lie that Hindus are casteist, a lie that has created a lot of hatred against Hindus. It is a hate trope proliferated by the colonialists and churches. First the Britishers created the word Hinduism (real word is Sanatana Dharma), just so they could demonize and attack this group of people. Then they created a concept of castes because that is what gave them a leverage to bring Hindus down. Once the white people found out that Hindus are the most scientific, whites had to bring them down. An agenda that has been going on against Hindus for over 4 centuries.

“The word caste is prepackaged Hinduphobia in one word. It is a hate trope.” – Satish Sharma

Brahmins are often most vilified and accused of discrimination against other castes. It is worth looking a little bit deeper into Sanatan Dharma, Brahmins and why Brahmins were targeted especially so we can revisit what we have assumed to be truth. To put it in the words of Satish Sharma “It is important to undo this colonialist hate trope that has been placed around the neck of every Hindu.”

The reason behind the witch hunt against Hindus and Brahmins

The more I learn about Sanatana Dharma, the more I am in awe and can see that the stories that have been created around Hindus being silly idol worshippers, being backwards and casteist are part of an agenda and far from the truth.

Sanatana Dharma - Sanatana means eternal, Dharma can be loosely translated into righteous way of living. This in very simple terms means living in sync with Nature and the Cosmos, in tune with Cosmic Principles. In our incarnated expressions we are energy beings. Sanatanis know this more than anyone and know how to keep their energy field elevated.

Pretty much everyone in the world knows about the greeting of Namaste, it is widely appropriated also. What this means is the Brahman (True Self) within me is witnessing the Brahman in you. It is an understanding that on this plane we both are just energy interacting. One energy being identifying the other energy being and interacting. Sanatanis understand that every tattva (element) inside, every bit and piece inside is nothing but moving energy. We are pure energy beings.

Everything that you can read in the Vedas, the science is that you are an energy being. That’s why you wear a certain kind of outfit, therefore you follow a certain kind of daily routine. The clothes that ancient Indians wore were only one cloth wrapped around the body so that nothing cuts their energy. Nothing would be sitting on the navel, which is the seat of the jivatma. Then they would have elements like gold, silver, copper etc. Everything that they wore was organic, something upping their energy field. In Sanatana Dharma our common identity is understood to be Atma (true spark) and any other identity is a temporary cover. Imagine the depth of knowledge and understanding that is held in Sanatana Dharma.

Sanatana Dharma used to be around the world. There are many temples found in places other than current day India, including Cambodia, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mekka etc. Brahmins were once there too. As soon as Brahmins were destroyed there, everyone forgot who they were, their essence as Atma, their True Self and highest potential as Brahmroop, because there was no teacher to remind them.

A Brahmin was a learned person, a scholar, dedicating many hours of his life to studying the Shastras, realizing Brahman and learning the mantras and methods of doing rituals. He gave his time and energy and then received a donation. Generation of Brahmins have selflessly served others by offering their time and knowledge to them.

If you look at Dharma (righteous conduct), the Dharma of a Shudra is different from a Brahmin. For a Brahmin, without a shower he can’t eat. But for a Shudra this is okay. Brahmins wanted to hold on to their energy template to the highest possible level, never deplete and always replenish it and increase their vibration by doing the Gayatri Mantra. The Dharma of a Brahmin was very disciplined so that he could maintain this energetic elevation.

Just on a side note, what Brahmins were doing, aren’t we doing that right now? Wearing a mask, washing hands and social distancing to not pick up some disease from someone. We do understand that we can pick up something from someone else. We believe our fear is real, but if the Brahmins understood the metaphysical vibrations and how something can be passed on, then why are they being called out for that? I believe these are things we need to reflect on to be able to come out of our biases.

When you put the pieces of the puzzle together, the picture that emerges is clear. The colonialist Britisher hated Brahmins as they resisted conversion to Christianity. To the Britishers, Brahmins posed the highest level of threat to their agenda. To destroy the fabric of Hindu society and the upholders of knowledge so they could establish their rule and conversion agenda, the Britishers created the caste system, which has been used as a weapon against Indians till date.

It is interesting to note that this Christian conversion agenda, with India as a prime target, is still going on today as is explained in detail with ample proof by Karolina Goswami in this Youtube video and this one . The sad reality is that people who are trying to convert Indians want to get rid of Brahmins so that people forget their true identity and can be converted. That is why this witch hunt against Hindus and that is why the allegation of caste system is still being proliferated by the church, media and academia around the world today.

White people’s pseudo equality and equity

White people are always talking about equality and equity but seem to be selectively applying it. The Netherlands prides itself on equal rights and Dutch people are the first to stand up for LGBTQs but have never seen us stand up for the Brahmins or Hindus. Why is that? Instead, we hold our biases and hold all sorts of judgements against Hinduism. We actually are so misguided and deluded that we are criticizing Hindus for the caste system, a system that was created by white people in the first place. I have been thinking about this for a long time and done my research. This has given me an opportunity to come out of my personal bias and out of the narratives spun against Hindus and Hinduism. It has also opened my eyes to the irony and hypocrisy that we as white people are pointing fingers at Hindus in the name of equality and equity. Our own people tried to colonize them and tried to sell them Christianity, convert Hindus out of some white man’s burden nonsense. Today we claim to believe in freedom and democracy, what happened to democracy then? By the way, an excellent, impactful
response to white man’s burden can be read here.

What right did we have in the first place to colonize other nations? My epigenetics is made of my ancestors. My ancestors colonized numerous other nations including India and traded over 1.5 million people as slaves. Talk about a horrible history. I would like to deeply apologize on their behalf, on behalf of all Dutch people. I know we have wronged certain nations and so many people, and I don’t agree what is going on in the name of equity today.

Am very happy at least the mayor of Amsterdam has given an official apology for the colonial crimes and slave trade and believe the prime minister of the Netherlands should do the same. I find it astounding that after all that the Britishers did to the Indians, there is not even one apology from them. The British colonialists looted India’s wealth and brought so much destruction. A whopping 45 trillion dollars’ worth of wealth the Britishers took out of India. The kind of destruction of life the Church has done is tremendous, but we have yet to hear an apology from the pope to the Hindus. What are we talking about equity? As long as this has not been set straight, we cannot talk about big subjects like equity and do a witch hunt of people in India. Really wonder sometimes, what is wrong with our conscience that we are still behaving like our ancestors in the name of pseudo democracy and pseudo equality?

What real equity looks like

Real equity is rooted in a deeper understanding of life and truth. Rather than pointing fingers at Hindus, I believe we should open our hearts and minds and learn from Hindus. So many Hindu temples let white people come in. If they want to take on to Sanatana Dharma and become a follower of ISKON or another Sampraday, white people are allowed to enter. You will never see any injustice being done to a white person. A person’s skin colour doesn’t come in the way. The first thing that Sanatanis see is that you are Atma (the true spark), you have the right to access Bhagwan, Ishwar and Gnan just like any other Atma has. I can vouch for this personally. Have always been accepted with open arms. If we don’t see Hindus holding white people to account for what their ancestors did, then we as white people should learn something from them. Hindus have always practiced equity. It is us as white people who need to learn how to practice real equity and not point fingers at Hindus.

We need to take responsibility for our colonial past and stop proliferating this false notion of caste system, which was created by white people in the first place with a destructive agenda. We as white people need to do our inner corrections, come out of our biases and white superiority complex, stop pushing our flawed concepts and way of thinking onto others and appreciate the pluralism of humanity.

Wednesday 18 August 2021

A way out

Imagine taking a look 700 years from now into the future, it’s 2721. Drones are flying all over the city, there is very little green. Workers are being accompanied by robots to factory type places before sunrise and brought back after sunset into their sleeping pods. They never see the light of day. They have already lost that spark within them. The pods are where they are kept artificially happy; people are induced into a fantasy world where they can be and experience anything they like.

If you are lucky, you are ‘free’ to roam around on the streets and decide for yourself what you want to do. But how free are you really when you are moving only to the beat of your worldly desires encouraged by the constant barrage of subliminal, artificial suggestions and manipulations coming at you 24/7? These people are always followed by bots monitoring them, under the guise of servant bots. The look in their eyes is empty; that depth, that soulfulness is gone. Life has become all about gratifying the senses, it is all about ‘what’s next for me’. No need to toil or put any effort in, just pop a pill, upload a programme into your brain and you are the expert at this or that. You can be that special one, the hero in the story. People are not even looking at the sun anymore, there is too much artificial stimulation all around. No one looks up let alone within.

This may seem farfetched but am extrapolating from what i am observing around me right now. What we are seeing now is not so much different. People moving through their work, eat, sleep, entertain me cycle. Get up, work, come home, either first engage in some exercise to stay fit or straight away flick on the tv or Netflix, open up a can of beer or some other alcoholic beverage, eat food, including food for which other species have had to suffer and give their life, sleep and then the cycle starts all over again. Occasionally this cycle is interrupted by a sea, sand, sun holiday. We are so busy striving for a partner, children, bigger house, bigger car, career, looking young, having fun, feeling good, that we lose sight of what truly matters. We are so caught up in ‘my story’ that we have forgotten to look for the Truth within.

Where is the room and time for inner contemplation, where is the time to think about the Cause of all causes? We have become so distracted that we can’t find the time to ponder on the age-old questions such as who am i? Or innocent questions like wow which artist is this that has drawn the beauty and power of nature, whose mysterious force underpins and upholds this massive universe and makes the planets revolve in perfect sync? We have lost that innocence, that wonder and that connection – thinking we know so much as humans, when in truth we don’t have a clue and are drifting away from our very essence.

Already the world is so confused, and more confusion is added every day. A child of the 70s, i have been very lucky to have had a childhood outside. Used to roam around in parks and hang out in nature. We did not have any fancy toys, just playing with a skipping rope and a hula hoop and we were happy. We had tv but there were no push notifications trying to get our attention. Things used to be simpler. Today’s youth are always wired online and being swamped with so many projections that they don’t know what is up and what is down. Children are overwhelmed with messages to be woke and with countless options of gender and sexual orientation from a very early age. They are aware of things now by the age of 7 that we didn’t even know when we were 14. They are rapidly losing that innocence which is so vital for our jivatma (incarnational soul) to remain pure.  

Social media is on 24/7 and we are bombarded with online projections through role models like Kim Kardashian, the gameplaying YouTube celebs or the next crypto millionaire. Everyone is claiming to be someone on socials, but the truth is rarely shared. The other day Instagram came up in a conversation with a colleague and she explained how so many of her friends post pictures that are a fake portrayal of their life and who they are. She said, it is so funny that they will post that one thing that maybe happened for 1 second throughout their entire day but make it seem like it is their life. We live in fictional realities where fakeness and fa莽ade are the norm. Connection with others now is through playing online games, we gather likes and shares for approval, we express through emojis and have apps where you can pick a (sex) partner based on online profiles, swipe left for reject, swipe right for like. With the Covid-19 pandemic and related lockdowns this has been taken to another level, where isolation is enforced, and connection is moved further into the virtual world. On top of that fear of survival has increased which makes our mind more susceptible to programming.

With so much programming already done of the collective unconscious and subconscious mind, it is next to impossible to discern what is genuine and what is projection, what is real and what is fake. And worse, to discern what is right and what is wrong. One good look at the world, and you can tell the madness and chaos is only increasing. Instead of focusing on the Divine within and the invisible thread that connects us all, on the level of Atma, there is more split happening within families, within nations, between nations, between continents. There is this group and that group. There is victim and victimizer. There is rich and poor. Now we also have the vaccinated vs the unvaccinated. Wonder whose agenda it is to cause further division? On all levels, there is struggle for dominance, power play and manipulation and the ones best at this seem to be rewarded. Where is there a place for righteous conduct?

Where is living in the rhythm of nature, in tune with the Cosmos and understanding our part in the bigger scheme of things? Where is the humility that our very breath and life force is not our own and we are insignificant? Where is the understanding that we are never in control and that who we truly are is not this body, not this mind and not the sea of emotions that we experience? We can send humans into space but have no understanding of Truth. We are technologically advanced and no doubt with the advent of AI this will be taken to an unimaginable level, but we are spiritually lost. We have computers now writing articles and books and dictating the objects of our attention.

Who is looking for the Absolute Truth? From what i can see very few. Hardly anyone is talking about the jivatma anymore, let alone the Absolute. And if they are talking about a higher power, it is about a God that punishes and can condemn people to eternal hell, coming from Abrahamic religions that seem to have more to do with control than with pathways for the jivatma to become liberated. Their heaven and hell sound a lot like man-made astral planes where you can get stuck and get sucked by inorganic lifeforms who have already lost their essence and hunt for food to survive.

The proven pathways of Sanatana Dharma that show the way to Self-Realisation and ultimate liberation are under pressure. Those time-tested practices that are part of Hinduism that keep you attuned to your True Soul and the Absolute are being ridiculed. This is a carefully designed attack. There are those who do not want you to wake up to the Truth or spend time looking within. The sacred Guru – shishya parampara that has been there for thousands of years is systematically being eroded. Media are constantly putting Gurus under the train, picturing them as loonies or cult leaders. Those trying to protect Sanatana Dharma are called extremist and under relentless attack in the media in the West and in India itself. This is not a coincidence. Even today’s Hindus in India are being kept away from Sanatana Dharma with all the liberal, leftist and communist narratives and agendas in the sold-out media. Sadly, forced conversions to Abrahamic religions and love jihad are an everyday occurrence.

It is not so hard to imagine that what we see amongst nations on earth is also happening on a grander scale. Earth itself is the centre of a battle between beings from other dimensions. Beings that have already used up and destroyed their own dimensions, but their need for survival is so strong. They have found an inorganic way to live and can only live as a parasite looking for those that they can draw energy from, and humans are a perfect supply. It is these intruders that have come a couple of thousand years ago and set up a matrix with their advanced technology; a matrix that pumps in programmes and is so enmeshed with our natural reality that we cannot distinguish what is real and what is artificial. A technology that can manipulate the 5 sheaths that surround our spark and constitute our physical, subtle and causal bodies. To use a modern analogy, they have found a way to hack into our mind, emotions and energy system and they are projecting on us from there.

There are those on the planet colluding with these intruders and furthering the division and control. They have sold their soul in their pursuit of power and exaltation of the ‘i’. With every industrial revolution more technology has been introduced not so much for the betterment of humanity and society, but to further the dependency on external factors and strengthen the control on the human psyche. Nowadays they can make computer chips the size of dust - imagine what they could do with that to human consciousness. If you look at the Hollywood movies that have come out showing a dystopian world, space battles, AI rule and mind control, this may be closer to the truth than you think. Don’t be surprised if the intruders disclose beforehand what they are doing this way.

It is only those who are beyond space and time, those who are already fully Self Realized and merged with the Absolute who can show you the way out. They are sent for the benefit of those jivatmas, those mumukshus who still long for the Absolute, who somehow haven’t made it out yet but whose Atma is yearning to merge with the Paramatma. They bring the Absolute Truth to wake up seekers from the deep slumber they are in. We may have forgotten Bhagwan, but the Absolute has not forgotten us. One of those on such a Divine rescue mission is Sreemaa-Shreeji, bringing the most Benevolent and Magnificent Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave Photon Pulse, the Supreme Signature of the Absolute.

When someone shares the Truth, it rattles you. It rattled me. Truth cannot be realized through technology, only in silence and only by the Grace of that One and Only One. You have to stop being a player and be willing to lose yourself, this ‘i’ that has been in survival mode for so long. The Truth is that when you are the doer, you get done. If you are brave and honest enough to reflect on this, you will see this in your life every single day. But when you realize who is the All-Doer and that you are not in control and you are willing to let go and surrender, there is hope. Those on a rescue mission serve selflessly and silently and will bring exactly what is needed as it is the Absolute that is working through them. They will touch your Atma and bring you that undeniable experience of your True Self, beyond the 3 bodies. They will take your hand and show you the way out in mysterious ways that you cannot even fathom.  

Back to 2721. Imagine if you are someone still with that divine spark within that is longing to merge with its illuminator but stuck in the matrix, loaded with programmes and constantly being projected upon. For some reason you haven’t made it yet and find yourself again in a human body on this planet surrounded by holographic inserts without a soul. How will you get Home? How will your Atma fuse with the Paramatma? How will you even realize your true essence? There are no more Gurus, no methods, no school of thoughts, no more Avatars sent that teach, correct and show the way out. Yet there is hope.

It is written in the ancient Shastras that Bhagwan will come for His Bhaktas, for those who are looking for Him. The Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave Photon Pulse is that Supreme Lifeline that shows genuine seekers the way to final liberation. IT is beyond time and space and cannot be touched by any technology or destroyed by anything. IT is Beyond Beyond, All-Powerful and AI is no match for it. IT is the Formless Form of that One and Only One that connects with that Zero-Point within you, your True Self. IT is that Mysterious and Mighty Mother of all Energies, Frequencies and Vibrations that will help jivatmas find their answers even inside the matrix and as the Ultimate GPS make sure the parcel is delivered back to where it belongs. IT is Supreme Grace in action that bestows a way out.

Tuesday 10 August 2021

Insidious attack by racist journalists on Hinduism

You’d hope that journalists write their articles based on facts in a fair and just manner. Unfortunately, the reality is different. There is a lot of bias and even hatred that comes through. Anyone who has a good look at (western) media, will see that there is a strong negative attitude towards Hinduism. This Hindumisia is widespread and sadly also something that the founders and visionaries of Kosmic Fusion, Sree Maa Shri Ji, have experienced.

There are several reasons behind this negative bias based on colonialism, racism, geopolitics and if you follow the money, you will see a clear (funding) link of western media and even media in India with Abrahamic religion, Christianity in particular, also known as the church- media - anti-cult nexus.

The missionaries and colonialists came with an agenda to save the soul of brown Hindus and that deluded superiority complex got hit more badly on discovering ancient texts that they found in India. It made them feel small in front of the brown skinned Hindus and since that day the seeds of Hindumisia have been sowed. 

Kosmic Fusion is a noble mission and completely universal. Sree Maa Shri Ji bring the most Benevolent Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave Photon Pulse onto this planet. This Magnificent Mother of all Energies, Frequencies and Vibrations touches and uplifts anyone, no matter who they are. It is a most Gracious Shakti for the benefit of mankind and spiritual seekers of any background.

However, when two journalists in New Zealand wrote an article on Kosmic Fusion, they came from their racist and biased attitudes and defamed Sree Maa Shri Ji simply because they are Hindu.

Article part of a smear campaign

Kosmic Fusion is open to anyone irrespective of background, race, religion and also welcomed volunteers. In 2013 it was only a small group of volunteers who themselves signed up for the Facilitator in Training (FiT) programme by writing a letter to Sree Maa Shri Ji promising to support the mission of Kosmic Fusion to share the Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave Photon Pulse with many more.

Sadly, not all who had signed up for the Facilitator in Training Programme turned out to be genuine. There were two volunteers, Irene/Joy Kuo/Joy Vottus and Iphigenia Amoutsias/Malana B. Taresi, who were asked to leave at some point as it had become clear they were not there for their spiritual journey or to support the mission of Kosmic Fusion, but for their own selfish and destructive motives.

They were given a chance, as Sree Maa sees the potential of the Absolute in everyone, but as they chose not work on themselves and were intentionally creating severe disturbance within the group, they were asked to go. True to their personality issues (which they had been displaying over the years), they didn’t take this very well and organised a smear campaign against Kosmic Fusion and its founders. This was kicked off with a paid article in the New Zealand media. 

The insidious agenda of the journalists

The two journalists writing the article were free to come into Sree Maa Shri Ji’s home and talk to Sree Maa Shri Ji at length. Sree Maa Shri Ji answered all their questions and gave them evidence in good faith and full transparency that would make clear why these two volunteers were asked to leave after their consistent unethical behaviour and bullying of other volunteers for over 4 years.

The journalists also saw Sree Maa Shri Ji’s home temple and would have gotten a sense of Sree Maa Shri Ji’s love and worship for Bhagwan Swaminarayan, their isht-Bhagwan (Deity of worship). Sree Maa Shri Ji were so trusting that the journalists were granted a rare opportunity to take pictures of their beautiful home temple.

Yet the agenda of the two white journalists was not to do proper research or write an honest article. They had come with the intention to slander. This is painfully evident from the opening of the article itself, where they have taken the murtis (idols) that are in the home temple of Sree Maa Shri Ji and put “Bad Vibrations” underneath those murtis in big letters. To do this to the murti of a Deity that the journalists know is worshipped and revered is blasphemy. The Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave Photon Pulse is the most Gracious Signature of the Source-Void and to call it Bad Vibrations is a deliberate insult.

The subtitle reads “The implosion of a new age cult”. Neither is Kosmic Fusion new age, nor is it a cult in any way and the journalists know this, but their agenda was never to write a fair and balanced article. The opening clearly sets a pitch to frame Kosmic Fusion and its founders in a very bad light, and the ‘special effects’ with the smoke of incense running alongside the article’s webpage are only added to mock Hinduism. It is all a well thought-through presentation to defame.

This defamation is rooted in a racist attitude and steeped in Hindumisia. It is tell-tale sign that a lot of the language that the journalists use is Christian-based and the experts they consulted also have a Christian background. This is not just a sensationalist article filled with lies, this is an insidious attack on Hinduism and Sree Maa Shri Ji because they bring that Shakti. This irresponsible journalism and outright attack should have never been printed.

Quite frankly what these two journalists, Steve Kilgallon and Tony Wall, have written is a form of hate speech and must be called out, hence the necessity for this blog to get out there. Please share it so that people can understand the duplicitous undertones of western reporting on Hinduism.

Forever grateful to Sree Maa Shri Ji for bringing and boundlessly sharing the Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave Photon Pulse for the wellbeing of countless jivatmas (incarnational souls).

Tuesday 5 January 2021

Homage to Paratpar Guru

Words are still falling short, as there are so many things that i have learnt about Paratpar Guru on the FiT Programme that show without a doubt the Mahima and Mahatmya of Paratpar Guru and also that there is only a glimpse i can catch, the enigma and Divinity is beyond measure 馃檱馃徎‍♀️馃檹

Paratpar Guru always walks Paratpar Guru’s talk, everything that Paratpar Guru has taught, Paratpar Guru has shown in action. 

Paratpar Guru has taught me what it is to be real and to come down from illusory castles in the sky or delusional lala lands and taught me about true Love and Oneness and profoundly touched this meritless jivatma with the Supreme Love of Bhagwan, the Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave Photon Pulse. A touch that changed everything. 

Paratpar Guru has touched the very core of me and awakened my Atma. Think it was in one of my letters in 2014 that i wrote, the Love and Grace with which KaVeeTa SuNiEl embraced a lost soul like me truly shows the Benevolence of God. Paratpar Guru has shown the very meaning of Benevolence, ati ati Dayalu and Paramkrupalu. 

Paratpar Guru has shown a Compassion and Empathy that is beyond human comprehension, not just to humans but to all living beings. Remember Paratpar Guru Gracing flies on the bus with a birth in Satsang. The Compassion and Daya oozing from Paratpar Guru’s Lotus Eyes is something out of this world, Paratpar Guru is the very living embodiment of Grace and Compassion.

Paratpar Guru’s Divine Presence, Eyes and smile are magnetic. Wherever Paratpar Guru walks the Earth is blessed and positive shifts occur, whatever Paratpar Guru touches becomes Prasad. In Paratpar Guru’s Presence time ceases to exist. During the India Pilgrimage, remember how the thornless Bordri tree touched Paratpar Guru and the Devta of the sea made sure to offer his pranaams to Paratpar Guru. To have Darshan of Paratpar Guru is a Blessing indeed, something that should not be taken for granted. Remember during the Reunion Paratpar Guru explained that we don’t have proper Darshan of Paratpar Guru, and that is true. A photo with the Vibhu Swaroop Darshan was already on the stands in 2012, but at the time i was not able to comprehend the Greatness. 

Paratpar Guru’s Discourses are unparalleled, just like the workshops always fresh, new, in a flow exactly tailored to whomever is present. Paratpar Guru’s Paravarni is so Divine that Muktos come to listen. Paratpar Guru has brought the most precious Absolute Teachings to live, The Supreme Teachings in the Vachanamrut, Bhagavad Gita and other Satshastras have become a living experience. We’ve all ordered the book the Bhagavad Gita comes alive but think Paratpar Guru has made the Bhagavad Gita come alive like no other. Only the One with a perfect Gnan and understanding can orchestrate such a masterful FiT Programme and teach the Absolute Truth in a way that is fit in this Kali Yuga and with a bunch of student and disciples that were not born in India let alone in Satsang and had very little or no clue about Sanatana Dharma and of such a mixed background and quality of jivatma. And this too with modern-day analogies, jokes and practical examples, all perfectly suited to remove the darkness of ignorance and awaken us to the Absolute Truth. 

Paratpar Guru teaches in seen and unseen ways whatever is needed for the kalyan of the jivatma, to bring us closer to embodying the True Soul and attaining Brahmroop, and to understand the Mahima and Mahatmya of Bhagwan. Paratpar Guru also tests to make sure we remember to choose wisely and not the rope. Evidence and data are there for the mind to grasp but the experience speaks louder than words. And then there are moments of sublime Stillness immersed in the Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave Photon Pulse or laying down in Paratpar Guru’s Lotus Feet.    

Each Word Paratpar Guru speaks holds weight. Whatever Paratpar Guru speaks happens. Paratpar Guru has taught me to read above, below and in between the lines – the prophecies, hints, cues are profound and plenty and am still learning to pick up on them. 

Paratpar Guru has shown me what levelling means, to meet the student where they are and lift them up. Paratpar Guru Shriji have shown me what true humility means, to wash the feet of the FiTs and welcome each one in the Divine Family of Sree Maa Shri Ji. We are so fortunate, and to be embraced by Paratpar Guru feels like coming home.

Paratpar Guru has shown me what true commitment means, no matter the time a day or night Paratpar Guru is available. Paratpar Guru has shown what it is to hold someone’s hands and not give up on the spark within. SreeMaa has shown what it means to sacrifice and be paropkari. Paratpar Guru has taken on so much of our slush, taken on kasht and pain so that we can be guided and endure less suffering. Examples are countless, from all that Paratpar Guru Shriji have taken on for the Transcendence, the impact of car accident, Paratpar Guru’s saree catching fire, most recently the kasht taken to be able to join dots for us and spoon feed us. We truly owe Paratpar Guru our life. 

Paratpar Guru is the epitome of selflessness, Paratpar Guru tirelessly gives of Paratpar Guru’s time, energy, Guidance and Compassion. The most exemplary example for us to move beyond the small self. Paratpar Guru hears the call of genuine mumukshus but never shies away to touch even the densest of dense with the Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave Photon Pulse. Paratpar Guru has shown what courage is, to take risks, even risking KaVeeTa’s life for the benefit of someone’s jivatma. No better inspiration to move beyond the comfort zone and take the plunge.

Paratpar Guru has shown what is true Bhakti, paramekantik Bhakti; we are so blessed to receive Paratpar Guru’s living Bhakti to Bhagwan Swaminarayan as the Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave Photon Pulse and to have been introduced to the secret of the supersonic shortcut, the beautiful Bhakti Marga. Paratpar Guru has shown incredible Shakti, Bhakti ki Shakti that can turn salty jeevs sweet. Paratpar Guru has shown what it means to be a non-doer, be the nimit through which the Supreme Almighty can work. We are most fortunate tobe introduced to Swaminarayan Bhagwan, Paratpar Guru’s Sadguru and isht-Bhagwan, The Ultimate and Absolute who have shown up and spoken through Paratpar Guru. Paratpar Guru has Graced us with so many beautiful Leela Charitras and Shreeji Maharaj’s Divine Teachings, shared and taught in such an innermost and beautiful way, almost as if we were there 200 years ago. 

Paratpar Guru Teachings, Guidance and feedback always come at the perfect time, there is no doubt about the antaryami powers. Paratpar Guru knows when to give, what to give in which dose. Paratpar Guru knows each one of us inside out and knows what to deliver to annihilate the noisy ego and bring the Shuddha Atma where it belongs, in the Lotus Feet of Sarvopari Swaminarayan Bhagwan. 

Knowing the complexity of the jivatma, mind and human psychology, Paratpar Guru has graced us with very practical Guidance and tools to do the inner work required and the motivation whenever we hit a slump, given us crucial insights into self-talk, self-discipline and has shown us like no other what is means to put in purushartha. Paratpar Guru has taught discernment and never to judge. This is what Paratpar Guru has demonstrated in action also, not to judge but to base assessments or conclusions on evidence. 

Paratpar Guru has always been there with sage advice, practical Guidance and solutions for problems no matter what level they may manifest. Paratpar Guru has also kindly shared examples from KaVeeTa’s, Sree Maa Shri Ji’s life that we may face everything with courage and learn to take everything as a Blessing and grow from it. 

Paratpar Guru has shown us what it means to care, to care about the Atma, to protect and stand for Truth, for Dharma. No matter what was going on, Paratpar Guru has always protected us, divinely intervened and intercepted to stand by our Atma and make sure no black marks would come in the karan sharir, and always supported and encouraged us to develop and practice our Swadharma. 

When surrounded by chaos and those with malicious intentions, nothing could touch Paratpar Guru, and Paratpar Guru skillfully knew which master strokes to deliver, Kootneeti in action. Think there is much more to contemplate and dots to join so that this meritless jivatma can understand more about the masterful moves delivered on the FiT Programme.

Paratpar Guru Shriji have brought this Glorious Mother of All Energies, Frequencies and Vibrations, Supreme Signature of the Source/Void, the Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave Photon Pulse onto the Planet. That which touches the Zero-Point in all and gives a glimpse of our highest potential. That which connects all into Oneness and so many demonstrations where SreeMaa shared Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave Photon Pulse with one and we all felt it. Indeed, on the FiT Programme, we have been given the most amazing opportunity to come to experience and understand the interconnectedness of the micro and the macro, the cosmos within and without, the multi-dimensional work that Paratpar Guru does. There is no doubt that whatever happens in the FiT programme creates shifts in the world, in this broken Galaxy and the Universe as well, and there are still many more dots for us to join here.

Paratpar Guru has taught me that the Divine works in mysterious ways, beyond what the human mind can understand, and best is to revel in the mystery, trust the Supreme and come to surrender fully in the Lotus Feet of Paratpar Guru /\么_ /\么_ /\么_

Friday 16 October 2020

The deluded new age followers’ psyche

Before i met SreeMaa-Shreeji, whom i am very fortunate to call Paratpar Guru, was looking for answers to my inner quest in the new age circles. Having had no exposure to Sanatana Dharma, had no idea what true spirituality was and was reading ‘spiritual’ books at random and trying out different things from the new age smorgasbord. My agyan and avidya (ignorance) was high and with my white privilege firmly in place, i was also ignorant about cultural appropriation.

New age industry
If you take a real good and honest look at the new age movement, it is not so much about the soul or genuine spirituality, but more about feeling good or special and earning money. You could call it an industry. Not surprisingly spiritual bypassing is rife, just as cultural appropriation. With all the new age spiritual coaches, channels, healers and readers out there, it is more like the blind leading the blind. All this is a recipe for getting lost in the delusions rather than moving forward and it was true that i wasn’t going anywhere in my spiritual pursuit as such. For me everything changed when i had the great fortune to meet SreeMaa in February 2012.

Touched by Supreme Grace 
I can never thank Paratpar Guru enough for taking this lost soul under Paratpar Guru’s Wings, awakening my True Soul (Atma), opening my eyes to the truth and ceaselessly guiding me in this blessed P.R.O.C.E.S.S of Awakenin Transformation Transcendence to move past the antics of the small self, to move more towards being a non-doer, embody the True Soul and remain rooted in the True SELF (Brahmroop) who is fully surrendered to the Absolute. All this while being Graced with a 24/7 connection to the Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave Photon Pulse, the most benevolent Signature of the Source/Void shared boundlessly by Paratpar Guru that uplifts, upgrades, heals and unifies on a scale that is beyond human comprehension. It is in the Sharan of Paratpar Guru that i learnt what real spirituality (adhyatmikta) entails and the reason why jivatmas take a human birth.

An honest look at my shallow and phony new age followers’ psyche
True spirituality requires honestly looking within to move past the narratives we tell ourselves, the grey shades and the inner enemies. Sharing a quick snapshot overview of my new (c)age explorations and the cultural appropriation i ended up doing as well as the delusions that were part of my phony new age followers’ psyche, so that others may open their eyes and think twice before falling for the new age fluff.

  • I appropriated the word Goddess by running Goddess circles with another person for mothers. This was a very shallow way of operating as i had not done the required inner work nor done the research to understand what a Goddess really means.

  • Had angel cards, incl a deck by Doreen Virtue’s that featured images of Deities and Devis such as Lord Ganesh and Lakshmiji, which i now realize is the pinnacle of cultural appropriation and entitlement as if they can be used to manifest what we desire.

  • Before moving to Northern Beaches in Sydney, i did a 7 level reiki workshop and volunteered for the teacher’s reiki stand at MBS. Gave 2 or 3 reiki sessions in exchange for money.

  • Had a couple of yoga dvd’s, using it to practice what i thought was yoga, but these only focussed on the body and mind, leaving out the most crucial part of the Atma and union with the Paramatma. Did not research to find out what yoga is really about nor who brought this gift to humanity. Pretty much the same attitude that most people in the west would have.

  • In the Netherlands a lot of people think it is fashionable to have a Buddha statue and was gifted one for my birthday once which i kept as decoration for a while. Had no idea what Buddha taught or what Buddhism was about, nor did i look into it at the time.

  • Played music on youtube which had mantras without understanding the meaning.

  • Have been wearing Indian style clothing without thinking about how people from India would feel about this.

  • Visited Swaminarayan Mandirs in the UK without checking with Paratpar Guru, which shows my white sense of entitlement.

  • Bought right into the love and light programme because it made me feel good. What this means in simple terms is pretending to be loving, compassionate and giving but refusing to look at your dark/shadow/small self. Or think about the actresses whom many may admire as so beautiful, loving and kind but in reality, they are using drugs and doing things that are a far cry away from the righteous way of living, in tune with one’s True Soul. 

  • Did some course titled the voice for love to be able to hear the inner voice. Thought i could hear the inner voice by doing some course instead of doing real inner work. This was linked to a Course in Miracles, which talks about surrender and Grace of God but had no clue what this really meant. Had some concept of God is Love and was hoping and praying to connect with God. This was just before i met SreeMaa (whom i then knew as KaVeeTa).

  • My signature of my old email address when starting to volunteer for Kosmic Fusion read ‘sharing the love’ and had a website named presenceoflove. Think i stopped the website somewhere in 2015. My new cage psyche actually thought i knew what love was and i was here to share the love; talk about grandiosity.  

  • For the longest time i have held this belief in some world of love and oneness, not seeing things for what they really are. This was a way of spiritual bypassing for me instead of facing the truth.

  • Especially in the beginning of my ‘spiritual’ search, read a lot of self help books, Eckhart Tolle and the likes, mixing and matching randomly, not following one dedicated path, and following authors or teachers without knowing their foundation or lineage – generally a bad idea.

  • Had Doreen Virtue’s meaning of numbers book and Louis Hays book of affirmations. Didn’t have the discipline to do affirmations but loved deriving special meaning from seeing combination of numbers and actually thought the angels were guiding me that way. Believed that i was guided by the angels to go to Australia and the angels got me a job in Australia. Later found out it was my karma bhumi, meaning i would only encounter hard karmic lessons.

  • Bought into the lightworker nonsense, feeling special as ‘i’ was on the earth to do sth good and visited some spiritual circles and listened to the odd online ‘guided’ meditation by Pleiadians or sth like that. Also remember some meditation with a merkaba called diamond alignment. Completely clueless about the energetic pollution that i was exposing myself to as i really had no idea who i was opening myself up to or to what i was connecting.

  • Was impressed with people who were able to channel. Did not consider what kind of energies could be coming through. Had no clue about energy hygiene apart from believing in cutting cords as taught by Doreen Virtue and Archangel Michael’s violet flame. My ignorance was extremely high. Would like to urge seekers that energy hygiene is very important and avoid these new age type of guided or channeled meditations, especially the mass meditations, as you have no idea what you are opening your energy field up to. 

  • Went to have a reading a few times. Also had one or two small crystals which i kept on ‘my altar’. The new cage smorgasbord fitted right in with my consumer attitude and doing as per how i pleased, no discipline required but believing am living some special purpose.

  • Believed in the soul mate, twin flame stuff and desperately wanted to be with my soul mate. This is all about human desires rather than the soul. This deluded desire got me into a lot of trouble and ended up dating two holographic inserts (ironically those without a soul), not only that but falling pregnant as well. One was even after meeting KaVeeTa and attending the Awakenin Transformation workshop. It is only the ati ati Daya aur Krupa of Paratpar Guru that the hideous energies in my womb were released. Sharing this openly as i know there are a lot of seekers out there still lost in the soul mate drama. The True Soul belongs to the Absolute and real union is the union between the Atma and Parmatma, the True Soul and the Absolute.

Forever indebted to Paratpar Guru for taking me under Paratpar Guru's Wings, guiding me into the fold of Sanatana Dharma and waking me up to the Truth  /\么_ _/\么_ /\么_